Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Vocabulary used in Management of Logistics

a nonstop flight
actual time of departure
advance freight - prepaid freight
advice of shipment - shipping notice - advice note
agreed airport of departure
agreed tare
air waybill (AWB) - air consignment note
all-up weight
allowed tolerances
at the border
average survey
backed note
batch number
bearer bill of lading
below deck
berth - mooring
bill of entry
bill of lading (B/L)
boarding card
bonded warehouse - customs warehouse
border - frontier
bulk cargo
by mail - by post
cardboard box - carton
cargo - load
cargo insurance
cargo plane - freight plane
carriage - transport (GB) - transportation (US)
carriage by sea - sea transport
carriage forward
carriage paid
certificate of origin
certificate of shipment
charter party
CIF value
clearance agent
clearance certificate
handling costs
harbor dues - harbor fees
harbor office
heavy traffic
home delivery
house air waybill (HAWB)
import duties
import licence
in bond - waiting for clearance
in bulk
in transit
inspection certificate
kilogramme - kilo
landed terms
landing card
landing order - discharging permit
litre (GB) - liter (US)
loading and unloading charges
loading area
loading unit
lorry (GB) - truck (US)
luggage (GB) - baggage (US)
metre (GB) - meter (US)
net tonnage
net weight
on arrival
on board
on deck
outward journey
overland forwarding
owner's risk rate

clearance documents
clearance duty
cleared - ex bond - duty paid
collection of goods
consignor's name
consular invoice
container terminal
cost and freight (C&F)
cost, insurance and freight (CIF)
cubic volume - cubic capacity
custom-house - customs
customs declaration form
customs formalities
customs guard - customs officer
customs invoice
customs officer
customs rate
customs regulations
declared value
delivered at frontier (DAF)
delivered duty paid (DDP)
delivery ex warehouse
delivery notice
delivery weight
dock - quay - wharf
docker (GB) - longshoreman (US)
documents against acceptance
documents against payment
duty paid
duty unpaid
entry visa
packing list
part load
part shipment
place of delivery
place of departure
place of destination
port - harbour (GB) - harbor (US)
port authorities
port of arrival
port of call
port of departure
port of destination
port of discharge - port of delivery
poste restante (GB) - general delivery (US)
preferential rate
preliminary inspection
product loss during loading
protective duty
rail shipment - rail forwarding
reply paid
right of way
road transport - haulage
scheduled time of arrival
scheduled time of departure
sender's name
ship - vessel
shipowner company
shipping agent
shipping company
shipping cubage
shipping documents
shipping instructions
shipping note (S/N)

to charter a ship
to clear the goods
ex factory - ex works
ex ship
ex warehouse
excess luggage (GB) - excess baggage (US)
export permit
failure - damage
forwarder's receipt
forwarding agent
forwarding station
free-trade area
free carrier
free delivered
free delivery
free in and out (FIO)
free of all average
free of charges
free on board (FOB)
free on board airport
free on quay (FOQ) - free at wharf
free on truck
free port
freight - freightage
freight charges
freight payable at destination
freight prepaid
freight rate
from port to port
full container load (FCL)
goods handling
goods train (GB) - freight train (US)
goods wagon (GB) - freight car (US)
goods yard (GB) - freight yard (US)
gram - gramme
gross weight
hand luggage
to handle with care
high seas
to rent a car
to send goods - to ship goods
to ship
single ticket (GB) - one-way ticket (US)
specified port - agreed port
storage - warehousing
storage costs - warehousing costs
to store
to stow
stowage charges
subject to duty
tare - tare weight
terms of delivery
time zone difference
transhipment - transloading
transport by rail
transport plane
unit of measurement
unloading operations
warehouse receipt
warehousing - storage
waybill - consignment note
weight limit
weight specified in the invoice

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Terms used by Human Resource Professionals

absenteeism rate
accident at work - industrial injury
applicant - candidate
application form
to apply for a job
to appoint a person
aptitude test
to ask for a rise
assessment of applicants
back pay
bargaining power
basic salary
to be dismissed - to be fired
to be laid off
to be on probation - to be on trial
to be on strike
to be out of work
business hours - office hours
Christmas bonus
clerical work - office work
company bargaining - company negotiation
compensation for permanent disability
concealed work - moonlighting
contractual situation
cost of living allowance
day shift
direct labour
disability pension
disciplinary measure - disciplinary sanction
to dismiss - to fire
overtime pay
overtime work
part-time job
partial disability
pay formula - retribution diagram
pay increase for merit
payroll - payroll ledger
pension fund
period of notice
permanent disability
permanent job - steady job
permanent staff
personnel - staff
personnel department
personnel requirements
production bonus
professional qualifications
professional training
public holiday (GB) - national holiday (US)
purchasing manager
redundancy payment
refresher course
relationship management
resign (chairman) - to give notice (employee)
resignation (chairman) - notice (employee)
to retire
dismissal for cause
dismissal without notice
early retirement
employment agency
employment card - working papers
temporary disability
temporary staff
the job is still vacant
top manager
total disability
trade-union (GB) - labor union (US)
internal regulations
to interview
irregular work - discontinuous work
job - employment
job application
job description
job evaluation
dismissal for cause
dismissal without notice
early retirement
employment agency
employment card - working papers
employment contract - labour contract
employment for a trial period
employment office
employment rate
executive cadres
executive personnel
exit permit
experienced person
family allowances
to fill a vacancy
full-time employment
full employment
full time
general strike
to go on strike
gross wages and salaries
have an accident at work
health care
higher education - advanced education
to hold a position
holiday (GB) - vacation (US)
human relations - human relationships
independent unions
index-linked wages
indirect labour
industrial relations (GB) - labor relations (US)
industrial tribunal - labour court
retirement age
right to strike
to risk indemnity
role clash
salaried workers - employees
salary range - wage band
seasonal employment
seasonal workers
secondary job
to secure employment
to select candidates
senior clerk - senior employee
severance pay - dismissal pay
short-term employment
sick leave
skilled labour
skilled work
skilled workers
social costs
social insurance - national insurance
social security
sole director
staff costs - personnel costs
to strike
to take measures
to take one's holidays
temporary disability
temporary staff
the job is still vacant
top manager
total disability
trade-union (GB) - labor union (US)
employment contract - labour contract
employment for a trial period
employment office
employment rate
executive cadres
executive personnel
exit permit
experienced person
family allowances
to fill a vacancy
full-time employment
full employment
full time
general strike
to go on strike
gross wages and salaries
have an accident at work
health care
higher education - advanced education
to hold a position
holiday (GB) - vacation (US)
human relations - human relationships
independent unions
index-linked wages
sick leave
skilled labour
skilled work
skilled workers
social costs
social insurance - national insurance
social security
sole director
staff costs - personnel costs
to strike
to take measures
to take one's holidays
job satisfaction
job security
job sharing
junior clerk - junior employee
labor costs
labor disputes
labor force - manpower
labor market
labor mobility
labor relations - trade-union relations
labor retraining
labor supply
learning by doing - learning by practice
letter of appointment
management training
managing director
middle management
minimum rate of pay
night shift
occupation - employment
office hours
internal regulations
to interview
irregular work - discontinuous work
job - employment
job application
job description
job evaluation
job satisfaction
job security
job sharing
junior clerk - junior employee
labor costs
labor disputes
labor force - manpower
labor market
labor mobility
labor relations - trade-union relations
labor retraining
labor supply
learning by doing - learning by practice
letter of appointment
management training
managing director
middle management
minimum rate of pay
night shift
occupation - employment
office hours
office manager
office staff - office personnel
on the job training
to train
training period
trial period
under contract
unemployment benefits
union dues - union subscription
union officer - trade unionist
unjustified dismissal
unpaid leave
unskilled labour
unskilled worker
vacancy - vacant position
wage-cost spiral
wage-earning workers
wage-packet (GB) - pay envelope (US)
wage bargaining - pay negotiations
wage ceiling
wage claims
wage dynamics
wage freeze
wage indexation scale
wage pressures
welfare contributions
to work at home
work overtime
work sheet
worker - blue-collar worker
working day
working hour
office manager
office staff - office personnel
on the job training
to train
training period
trial period
under contract
unemployment benefits
union dues - union subscription
union officer - trade unionist
unjustified dismissal
unpaid leave
unskilled labour
unskilled worker
vacancy - vacant position
wage-cost spiral
wage-earning workers
wage-packet (GB) - pay envelope (US)
wage bargaining - pay negotiations
wage ceiling
wage claims
wage dynamics
wage freeze
wage indexation scale
wage pressures
welfare contributions
to work at home
work overtime
work sheet
worker - blue-collar worker

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Vocabulary used in Marketing

to act on the price
after-sales activities
after-sales service
assisted brand identification
to be competitive
to be out of stock
behavior pattern
blind product test
brand equity
brand extension
brand loyalty
brand positioning
brand preference
brand range
brand strategy
brand switching
brand value
branded product
buy for fun
buying frequency
buying habit
buying motivation
call planning
cartel price
case history
cash and carry
certificate of guarantee
chain of retailers
cluster analysis
commercial strategy
competitive advantage
competitive products
market penetration
market potential
market research
market segmentation
market share
market size
market survey
market test
marketing goals
marketing mix
marketing plan
marketing techniques
mass-market product
maturity phase
memory research
niche strategy
one-stop shopping
open question
own brand products
panel - consumer panel
parallel import
penetration index
perceived quality
pilot scheme
pilot shop
pilot survey
point of sale (POS)
potential market
premium price

competitor profile
consumer association
consumer panel
consumer survey
convenience goods
convenience store
corporate identity
corporate image
cost per call
cost per contact
customer loyalty
customer satisfaction
customer service
cut-throat competition
demand and supply curve
demand components
department stores
discount superstores
display material
distribution chain
distribution channel
distribution cost
domestic market
driving effect
economic model
empirical research
entry barriers
excess of supply
exhibition - show
exhibition stand
exit barriers
prestige product
price-sensitive buyers
price-sensitive product
price competitiveness
price limit
price perception
price/quality effect
product image
product life cycle
product manager
product oriented
product policy
product range
propensity to consume
psychological threshold
public relations (PR)
purchase headquarters
purchasing group
qualitative interview
qualitative research
quality management
quantitative interview
quantitative research
random sample
random sampling
redemption costs
reference price
reference value
registered trademark
retail outlet
retail prices
retailer brand
sales analysis

social-economic factors
socio-economic characteristics
sole selling price
soundout the market
specialized store
statistical survey
substitute products
supply curve
targeted distribution
taste test
telephone research
trade fair
trade mark
trademark - brand name
unbranded product
unfair competition
unstructured interview
value chain
value system
variety store (GB) - variety shop (US)
wholesale stores
wholesaler brand
win-win strategy

Monday, September 3, 2018

Vocabulary used by Professionals in the Legal Industry

This core vocabulary reference sheet provides key words and phrases used in legal settings when practicing law. This vocabulary can be used in English for specific purposes classes as a starting point for including vocabulary study relating to anything related law and practicing legal services. Teachers are often not equipped with the exact English terminology required in very specific trade sectors. For this reason, core vocabulary sheets go a long way in helping teachers provide adequate materials for students with English for Specific Purposes needs.

to abandon an action
according to law
arbitration clause
assessment of damage
attorney - proxy holder
to award a contract
bankruptcy petition
to be in force
bilateral agreement
breach of contract
to break an agreement
to break the law
cancellation date
to certify
to cheat - to swindle
come into force
come to terms
competent court
lease contract
legal action - lawsuit
legal adviser
legal assistance
legal charges - legal fees
legal department
legal domicile
legal proceedings - legal action
legal representative
lessee - tenant
letter of intents
liability in contract
lien creditor
limitation period
magistrate - judge
notary public
to notify
partial agreement
to patent
patent holder
(GB) - to dishonor (US)
to dispute
to draw up a contract
effective date
to endorse - to back
to enforce a law
exclusion clause - exemption clause
fair rent
to file documents
first mortgage
fixed term contract
fraud - swindle
gentlemen's agreement
to give due notice
guarantee deposit
patent office
patent pending
per procurationem - by proxy
power of attorney - proxy
public officer
to put on record - to take minutes
quittance - aquittance
to refund - to pay back
register a trademark
registration charges - registration fees
to rent - lease - hire
responsibility - liability
revenue stamp
to revoke
rights on industrial patent
rule - regulation
second mortgage
to have full legal powers
to honour (GB) - to honor (US)
illegal - unlawful
implement an agreement
in case of controversy
in force
in good faith
industrial property
to infringe
jointly and severally
lack of evidence
to lapse - to be statute-barred
law courts
lawyer (GB) - attorney (US)
to lease - to rent - to let
separate signature
to settle a dispute
to sign a receipt
signature by proxy
specimen signature
sublease - sublet
to sublease - to sublet
to sue
summon witnesses
to take legal action
to take someone to court
tax fraud
the regulations in force
third-party guarantee
third mortgage
trial venue
upon notice
verbal agreement
written agreement

Vocabulary used when writing a business letter

This sheet focuses on core vocabulary and phrases used when writing business letters or e-mails in English. This business writing reference can be used in English for specific purposes classes as a starting point for students who need to use English on an everyday basis for written business communications. Teachers are often not equipped with the exact English terminology required in very specific trade sectors. For this reason, core vocabulary sheets go a long way in helping teachers provide adequate materials for students with English for Specific Purposes needs.

to act on behalf of
to agree with
always at your service
as agreed
as far as I'm concerned
as far as the payment is concerned
as follows
as per invoice
as per to the conditions
as per your request
as requested
as soon as possible
at your convenience
at your earliest convenience
at your expense
awaiting your reply
to be able to to be authorised to to be characterised by
to be confident in
to be delighted to to be held responsible for
to be in arrears with payments
to be in difficulty
to be interested in
on arrival of the goods
on behalf of
on condition that - provided that
on delivery
on receipt of the order
on short notice
on written request
order to be confirmed
our best attention
our offer is still open
outside address
to pay the maximum attention to the matter
payable in advance
please allow us
please send us
please send us your instructions
prices are increasing
to reach the destination
to refer to to return a letter to the sender
to sell at the best
to send under separate cover
sender address
short term
similar to sample - up to sample
to be late
to be overrun with orders
to be prepared to - to be willing to before the date we agreed upon
Best regards
body of the letter
circular letter
claim - letter of complaint
to come to a decision
to come to an agreement - to reach an agreement
complimentary close
to cope with the competition
correspond to the sample
to correspond with
covering letter
due to oversight
enclosure - attachment
to fix an appointment
following your instructions
from order receipt
further to our letter - following our letter
goods listed below
to have the pleasure to to stop negotiations
to submit a sample
to suit the quality - to meet the quality
to take into consideration
the aim of this letter
the following items
the goods are available in our warehouse
the goods are not similar to sample
the goods are sold out
the goods arrived in good conditions
the letter remained unanswered
the matter in reference
the meeting was cancelled
to our mutual benefit
to the kind attention of
under separate cover
up to an amount of
utmost care
we acknowledge receipt of
we apologize again for
we apologize for
we apologize for the delay
we apologize for the mistake
we are sorry to have to we are sorry to inform you
to have the power to hereby
in case of need
in compliance with - accordingly
in due time - in due course
in good condition
in our favour
in partial payment
in reply to your letter
in the absence of
to inform in due time
inside address
to let someone know in advance
letter opening - beginning of the letter
letterheading - heading
to look forward to looking forward to an early reply
looking forward to hearing from you
to make the goods available
to meet a demand
to meet customer's requirements
to meet the demand
to notify in advance about
on advanced payment
we have received
we hope we'll receive the goods soon
we look forward to your kind reply
we must apologise for
we remain - our kindest regards
we sent you
we thank you in advance
we wish to inform you that
we would appreciate it if you could answer
we would appreciate your reply
with no obligation - without commitment
with reference to - in reference to with the compliments of
with the utmost care
with two weeks' notice
within the end of the month
within which
without delay
without notice
would you please let us have
would you please let us know
you ordered
you requested
you sent us
Yours faithfully (GB) - Yours truly (GB)